Saturday, March 7, 2009

My So CaLLed FriEnDs 。◕‿◕。


I HAve a loT of friends with Different persOnaliTY frOm my ChildHood uP to NoW aDuLt (oh, Consider as AduLt nMAn dy q NOh, BuhaY nGA nmAn,oh KAy biLis)jeje!

Ok,let'S disCuss 1sT my
ChildHood (neighbor) FrienDS:
Name-(description)- saway

Pinky-(lapitin ng mga boys)- pinkay and dakmat (shortcut sa dako mata)
Eden -(kinata2kutan ng mga boyz especially my brothers)-alyas bitin b'coz she easily get angry especially to the boys

yang2-(relihiyosa)-suwang as evidence by her pix. above
chin2-(hilomon)-walis ting2 b'coz she's real
ly thin
quenni-(iyakin)-no c
maricor-(simple)-bukol rom her name
elaine joy
-(social climbers)-putot from her height, I think her height is 4'9"
(maldita)-ngiskag bco'z of her n
ose widely open.

2nd are my secondary/ highschool friends:

Tita Joy2
  • Adventurous (Laagan)
  • Hilig ug Dancer
  • KwarTAhan sa gruPo
Lola Ilene
  • dalaga Kaau ug lihOk (virgin ang saway)
  • Die haRd Ky John LloyD
  • eligible hand writing
  • HRM (1st yr) at Holy cross
Mama pikpok
  • An active and dynamic person who spell always fun and excitement.
  • Independent
  • joker
  • Emotera
  • PMA (pahinga Muna aNak)
Tita Gay2
  • loves to mingle and laugh with funny jokes.
  • FeeL Ate saiLA FamiLy.
  • The onLy GuRL (estE Gay) aMong of Them.
  • BSn (2nd yr) at Brokenshire
  • My cLosesT friend (3rd yr HS)
  • KaPAyasOn.
  • UnderstAndiNg.
  • always there to lean on her Shoulder in tiMes of mY helpless and HurtFul emotions.
  • Presently, I dOn't HAve anY cOnTAct with her.
3rd Is my CoLLeGe FrienDs:

My FrieNds HAve DiFf. PersOnaliTies. EveryOne HAve CApabaliTies To SHine (cHAr)
jeje..We cALL eaCh oTher "megz"..TheY Love to mingle and To LauGh E
verYDAy(jeje,waY adlaw na dLi mag tisngi) and EverYone Is Open (kumbaga BulgaRAn kaaU Ex. Carmel: ang imu ulo ug baba wala na bagay saiMu lawas/ Curada: ang imu lubot pud wala na bagay saimu lawas) imagiNe it is b'coZ were too close eacH oDEr.

KiMpoY: ALWAys zGE'g DoTA, KuYAw mUkaTAwa
DarYLL: DiLI paLupIG as evidence by the TeRm "AyaW KAU e.FEEL"
JOsYL: KApaYAsOn, jeje(peaCe meGz)
GiSSeLLe: SecreTo PAy iMu DaGhan XA..MuRAg BATA tn.aWon pRo piNKAtiguLAng saMU GruPO.
KaReN: MAldiTA, MuRAg LAki Ug LiHOk. SABAan. PinKATAngKAd.
MAE: InItON Ug uLo uSAhay. PAnGAyO uG adVicED SAiYA LAbaw Na KuNg Naa KA kaaWAy.
CArMEL: KWArTAhan, IKAw dW tg.iYA uG HOsPiTAL. PG.MAbaG.saK sa Quiz Or sa eXAm, MAo Ni Ang dLi mwaLA saiYA einGOn " sakiTA saq duGHAn ui, SAkiT KAaU".

To be continued.........

1 comment:

I would have answered your letter sooner, but you didn't send one. Don't forget to sign up!