Saturday, March 7, 2009

My So CaLLed FriEnDs 。◕‿◕。


I HAve a loT of friends with Different persOnaliTY frOm my ChildHood uP to NoW aDuLt (oh, Consider as AduLt nMAn dy q NOh, BuhaY nGA nmAn,oh KAy biLis)jeje!

Ok,let'S disCuss 1sT my
ChildHood (neighbor) FrienDS:
Name-(description)- saway

Pinky-(lapitin ng mga boys)- pinkay and dakmat (shortcut sa dako mata)
Eden -(kinata2kutan ng mga boyz especially my brothers)-alyas bitin b'coz she easily get angry especially to the boys

yang2-(relihiyosa)-suwang as evidence by her pix. above
chin2-(hilomon)-walis ting2 b'coz she's real
ly thin
quenni-(iyakin)-no c
maricor-(simple)-bukol rom her name
elaine joy
-(social climbers)-putot from her height, I think her height is 4'9"
(maldita)-ngiskag bco'z of her n
ose widely open.

2nd are my secondary/ highschool friends:

Tita Joy2
  • Adventurous (Laagan)
  • Hilig ug Dancer
  • KwarTAhan sa gruPo
Lola Ilene
  • dalaga Kaau ug lihOk (virgin ang saway)
  • Die haRd Ky John LloyD
  • eligible hand writing
  • HRM (1st yr) at Holy cross
Mama pikpok
  • An active and dynamic person who spell always fun and excitement.
  • Independent
  • joker
  • Emotera
  • PMA (pahinga Muna aNak)
Tita Gay2
  • loves to mingle and laugh with funny jokes.
  • FeeL Ate saiLA FamiLy.
  • The onLy GuRL (estE Gay) aMong of Them.
  • BSn (2nd yr) at Brokenshire
  • My cLosesT friend (3rd yr HS)
  • KaPAyasOn.
  • UnderstAndiNg.
  • always there to lean on her Shoulder in tiMes of mY helpless and HurtFul emotions.
  • Presently, I dOn't HAve anY cOnTAct with her.
3rd Is my CoLLeGe FrienDs:

My FrieNds HAve DiFf. PersOnaliTies. EveryOne HAve CApabaliTies To SHine (cHAr)
jeje..We cALL eaCh oTher "megz"..TheY Love to mingle and To LauGh E
verYDAy(jeje,waY adlaw na dLi mag tisngi) and EverYone Is Open (kumbaga BulgaRAn kaaU Ex. Carmel: ang imu ulo ug baba wala na bagay saiMu lawas/ Curada: ang imu lubot pud wala na bagay saimu lawas) imagiNe it is b'coZ were too close eacH oDEr.

KiMpoY: ALWAys zGE'g DoTA, KuYAw mUkaTAwa
DarYLL: DiLI paLupIG as evidence by the TeRm "AyaW KAU e.FEEL"
JOsYL: KApaYAsOn, jeje(peaCe meGz)
GiSSeLLe: SecreTo PAy iMu DaGhan XA..MuRAg BATA tn.aWon pRo piNKAtiguLAng saMU GruPO.
KaReN: MAldiTA, MuRAg LAki Ug LiHOk. SABAan. PinKATAngKAd.
MAE: InItON Ug uLo uSAhay. PAnGAyO uG adVicED SAiYA LAbaw Na KuNg Naa KA kaaWAy.
CArMEL: KWArTAhan, IKAw dW tg.iYA uG HOsPiTAL. PG.MAbaG.saK sa Quiz Or sa eXAm, MAo Ni Ang dLi mwaLA saiYA einGOn " sakiTA saq duGHAn ui, SAkiT KAaU".

To be continued.........

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

WhATz WiTh My NamE??。◕‿◕。

I haVe a lOt oF nAmes 2 Be CAllEd....

TheY uSed To caLL me, PeoPle in The woRld.


But, I'm JusT cUrious wHy Other PeopLe stiLL Don't call me mY FUll NAme Even My FamiLy Or Close FrienDs.

So LeTs TAlK abOut My Name... "What'Z wiTh mY namE??"

My Mysterious Name iS "JOANALYN" (Guapa NOh) whicH is Given By my PasT aWAy beloved gRAndMother.

In mY name, there yOu caN fiNd the Meaning Of Truthfulness (jeje)

J olly
k O reanang nangambisyon
gw A pa
spell ba N gs
f A shionista
L oyal as evidenced by 1 boyfriend since birth
friendl Y
maulwon N (Y reacT HUh)